FWP 149 D
Baujahr / Built in:

Pilot oder Besitzer / Pilot or owner:
Thomas Fehn

Stationiert in / Stationed in:
Bayreuth EDQD

Motor / Engine:
Lycoming GO-480-B1A6
Leistung / Performance:
274 PS
Abmessungen / Measurement:
11,12 x 8,78 x 3,00 m

Max. Abfluggewicht / Max. takeoff weight:
1820 kg

Weitere Informationen / More information
The P 149 was produced as a 4 seater, fully acrobatic trainer for the german and italian airforce from 1953 to 1960.The D-EOBU was produced in 1960,production number 138 and had the military registrations KB+115, BB+395, 91+17 before becoming civilian registered as D-EOBUcertified for +6/-3gVne 212 ktsCruise speed ca. 140 ktsmax. weight: 1820 kgmax. weight acro: 1450 kg
