Welcome to OTT11

Welcome to the official website of the 16th Oldtimer-Fliegertreffen

OTT11 is now history! 29. Sep. 2011 - 08:09 Uhr
Dear fellow members of Fliegergruppe Wolf Hirth e.V.,
Dear participants,

Dear visiting pilots,  
Dear faithful and loyal friends,
Hello old and new fans of our Fliegertreffen.

The 16th Oldtimer Fliegertreffen at Hahnweide is now history!

….almost 2 years of time-consuming preparations, countless man-hours of all the members of our club Wolf Hirth during the week preceding the event for transforming the airfield, organizing last-minute meetings, hoping that all participants would safely arrive, planning for eventualities, hoping that the latter would never happen, and then yet two minor accidents caused by technical failures and thanks god no serious consequences, in the meantime everybody back home safely, cleaning up the place in the pouring rain – and say good-bye to the last participants departing in the sunshine of the following day...
Now we’re almost finished with the

                                     16.th Oldtimer Fliegertreffen Hahnweide 2011
with the exception of a few more jobs to be done.

We were all highly motivated to offerour guests a pleasant show. And now I would like to say without any due modesty that we succeeded in doing so!
On behalf of my team and myself I would like to thank all pilots and their families, who arrived herein the warm September sun on Friday and Saturday, and who have meanwhile returned back home almost without any complications (some are still continuing on their round-the-world-trip J!).
Our visitors fully appreciated the event thanks to your wonderful performances (Christophe, really, the smoke was unbelieveable).
I would also like to apologize to all those flying visitors who didn’t have the opportunity to join the display, due to the great number of participants. Thanks to you all for your „good airmanship“, your friendship and your undisturbed merriness (flyers’ party on Friday and Saturday!), and just your being here!
Hopefully seeing you again in 2013.
Thanks to the many keen hands being busy cleaning up on Sunday night, Monday, and more there are only few traces of the mega-gig left at the Hahnweide. By Tuesday nearly all pilots had left the plce, first our friends of the Royal Jordanian Falcons, who flew on to the next airshow at Krefeld, then Tom Schrade with his Sikorsky flew back to Welzow, and Biff with his Beech Staggerwing left for Austria.
Many thanks to you, our dear visitors, many of whom travelled far but arrived in the best of their spirits, very interested, informed, and motivated. Thanks for the spontaneous applause for our pilots! That was great! When the six Junkers passed overhead on Friday not a sound was to be heard, and so it was during Christophe Jacquard’s „smoke show“! The 6 Junkers may have flown together for the last time – it sounds so unbelievable . And then the high-speed passages of the Patrouille Breitling on Saturday, as the end of the display, with everybody waiting and watching in the rain – incredible!
Thanks for the countless, flattering entries in the guest book!!!

We hope all visitors returned to their homes and marked the week-end of September 06th –08th 2013 in their diaries!
Now I must „apologize“ to all those who had „to climb over the fences“ and squeezed through corn fields, bushes and hedges in order to escape from our cashiers, who had to invent ever new excuses and fantastic tricks for not paying the fees, and endured loads of stress just to save 15 € !? What a pitious feeling. Why don’t you simply try and find another pass-time in 2013??
Thanks to the municipality of Kirchheim and all her services – I just list a few names as e.g. Christoph Latzecky and Mr.Beck for sensationally unbureaucratic procedures!, many thanks to the mayor of the “flyers’ city” Kirchheim, Mrs Angelika Matt-Heidecker and the deputy mayor Mr. Günther Riemer for their support, thanks to all the adjacent communities, the Landratsamt Esslingen, the farmers round the Hahnweide! Thanks to the Baden Württembergische Luftfahrtverband, Nico Ruwe of Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH and the Deutsche Flugsicherung at Flughafen Stuttgart and in the regional Center in Langen for their wonderful co-operation. Also the KWB Betankungsgesellschaft of Flughafen Stuttgart has been of great help.
Our partners of the regional aeronautical authoritiy, Mr. Liesche, Mrs Veigel, Mr. Kalbfell and Mr. Findling, who were present all through the meeting, have offered us a fair company and a rigorous support.!
The German Red Cross under the leadership of Andreas Schober, our supervising emergency physicians Thilo Haug, Georg Preu and wife Susi, the Fire brigade with Roland Schultheiß, Michael Heyde and Michael Briki as leaders, the police unter the direction of Thomas Pitzinger and the Deutsche Hilfsdienst Kreisverband Stuttgart e.V. led by Ottmar Weik on the parking areas have contributed to our success – thanks a lot! Thomas Wisst and his drivers of OVK bus company have added fast and reliable transportation with their Shuttle buses.
My special thanks go to my team, the members of Fliegergruppe Wolf Hirth, who are always 100% reliable. And although there were moments of really hectic activity we had a sensationally good team work!
I’m especially happy that so many „external“ hands from the surrounding vilages, from the „friends of Motorflzgschule des BWLV e.V.“ and the flying club of Nabern were active both at Hahnweide and at Nabern airfield, where they lokked after the arriving visitors..

Jochen Haas, Peter Ludl, Steffi Senglaub, Roland Kokot as well as Thorsten, Benni, Marc and Moni on the TOWER of Hahnweide offered at all times a competent, friendly, and in the midst of the storm a cool advice management – a tremendous success!

Jörg, Jochen and Dirk on the Speakers’ tower went through a 3-days’ emotional trip,  and in spite of Saturday’s and Sunday’s heat aired their knowledge, and sometimes had the ability to just keep silent in emotional situations but always had a good pun at hand. Super, boys, splendid

I’d like to thank the written and visual press for their support even in the days before the meeting. But I still have the feeling that such a singular event as the Oldtimer Treffen should lead to more understanding of aeronautical matters than what we read after a simple off-field landing after an engine failure (Bückers and Extra) – a motor plane is actually a rather bad glider, and we all agree that both pilots did their best to avoid damage to people.
The smaller injuries to the pilots were healed by Monday morning.
Special thanks also to our friend Michael Kost and the SWR Weather Team!

Let’s not forget our friends from the other clubs at Hahnweide, our Caterer and our publican Salvatore. Thanks to Uwe Hausdörfer who organized the delivery of all the beverages. Thanks to the „Bang Bags“ for the Rock`n Roll on Friday night, the „Rumblers“ on Saturday and the hangar party, and of course Rainer Mugrauer for his „indoor flight show“. Thanks to the sponsors: Klaus Lenhart, of LEKI and Willi Balz of Windreich AG; Autohaus Ratzel GmbH, Spiegler Automobile GmbH, Gross GmbH & Co.KG, Albert und Wilhelm Stahl Autohaus GmbH, Autohaus Rau GmbH, Porschezentrum Filderstadt and Auto Deininger supplied us with cars of all sizes. Thanks, HKS Beschallung for sound and illuminated flight line, Neckartal Quad for the bikes, Andreas and Georg Walter for electrical and electronic installations,Erich and Steffen of KEPPLER REISEN who brought the passengers of the Junkers 52 safely to Dübendorf and back. Steffen was also the team leader Pilotens’ shuttle and was busy with his team until the small hours driving the pilots to their hotels. Döbler and Schmittinger for spezial vehicles, Biene’s father (Markus` father –in-law!), Mr.Hummel from Dettingen for the tractor, Hans-Martin with his heavy equipment, they all helped us a lot.
I shouldn’t forget our friend Werner Helm and his men of flight technics Stuttgart who offered extenal power and even „man power“, and last but not least Andre Bettinger, the chief mechanic of the Motorflugschule.
Every single member of our club gave their best during the meeting: Our team leaders , first Felix Breckel, vice-president of the club, who directed the ground services, and was my deputy during the meeting. His incredible know-how, and his useful ideas have contributed a great deal to the flawless functioning of the meeting. How could we have done without you, Felix?!
The views and concepts of Stefan Kessler, who managed the web site all over the meeting, and with his colleagues of the Media Team issued the DVD and a calendar of the meeting, were indispensable for the meeting.
Markus in the entry fee collecting team, „Mr. Rock in the storm“-Biggo with Sabine and Gudrun at the pilots’ Check-In, Anna Lässing and her girls in the pilots’ canteen at the C-Container, Ilse and her ladies dealing snacks to the people on the parking sites, Merchandising (with Waltraud, Petra and Dagmar, and my deputy chairman Markus Haber with the security people), Bodo Bleichner in the preparation phase and the organisation of the fire services, also at the flight line; Markus Kottler (who got injured on Friday) and Ewald Veygel for detailed planning and execution of traffic regulation, Ute and Rainer Schmid for passenger flights, Rainer Rauch and his press team who had to survey the rigorous limitations for press people, Otto, Roland, Pit, Josef, Gerd and Stefan for the control of the programme, Georg as team leader refuelling, Werner at the camping site, my son Marc, who organized off-field advertising and was the ground controller during the display, and my son Patrick who was my personal assistant during the event!

Thank you, my fellow club members!
The most important name in this list is my wife Gudrun! Over almost 2 years she had to endure whatever new plans I wanted to set going, she went with me through all the troubles in the preparation phase, gave advice and criticism, helped me find myself after moments of depression. She was at the Hahnweide through all the three days, helping with the pilots’ reception and later on with the budgetary jobs. Thank you my dear – you are wonderful!!
To say it once more, my fellow club members of Fliegergruppe Wolf Hirth, Kirchheim unter Teck e.V., you are first-class persons! I am proud to be your president! I thank you all with your families who cooperated so well! This was a splendid performance for such a small club – masterly!
Now I can’t think of anything more to say If I should have forgotten to mention someone please don’t be upset!

Fliegergruppe Wolf Hirth e.V.

Hans Puskeiler

Director of the Meeting

Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XVIe TE184 17. Jul. 2011 - 14:47 Uhr

Daniel Griffith will show the Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XVIe TE184 at the Hahnweide. The owner Stephen Stead wil come with the Siai Marchetti F260 to the OTT11.


Royal Jordanian Falcons 4. Mai. 2011 - 13:01 Uhr

For the first time at the Hahnweide!

The Royal Jordanian Falcons is a perennial national aerobatic team formed in 1976 at the initiative of His Majesty the Late King Hussein Bin Talal. It has an international reputation for precision, professionalism and spectacular performance.  www.rjfalcons.com


Catalina 20. Feb. 2011 - 08:18 Uhr

A special guest will come to the Hahnweide, the 28-5ACF (Catalina PBY-5A). We are looking forward to this unique aircraft

Merry Christmas 24. Dez. 2010 - 10:46 Uhr

We wish all friends of the Hahnweide Oldtimer Fliegertreffen Merry Christmas. As a small Christmas gift, we have created two images as wallpaper for your PC. Just click on the desired image and download the ZIP-file with different resolutions.


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