Willkommen beim HWW23
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Welcome to the official 55st Hahnweide 2023 homepage.
We warmly welcome our participants from Austria, Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany,
France, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherland, Poland, Sweden, Slovenia, United Kingdom, South Africa


Tilo's impressions from the 1st competition day
Wednesday, 17. May 2023 - 11:56

While we are waiting for the launch of today's competition, here are a few exclusive air photos from the cockpit of Tilo Holighaus on the 1st day of the Hahnweide competition.




We have uploaded more of his pictures HERE.

Tilo writes about it on WeGlide:

"Very exciting first day of the Hahnweide competition.
A lot of humidity, many showers but also a lot of fun :-)
After the take-off deep dark clouds, but they even lined up. Then again longer shaded glide paths until a really great cloud sausage built up past the Klippeneck, which partly rose with more than 3 m/s and one could cruise along underneath it. Towards the south, the base dropped sharply, but the climb was still great.
Unfortunately, we couldn't get to the second turning sector directly - it simply rained down. But even with turbo help, it was quite a challenge to get home fully. Either showers or airspace got in the way..."

More info and photos of his flight HERE.

1st launch expected starting from 12:00
Wednesday, 17. May 2023 - 10:29

First class to launch will be the 18m. After the launch of the 18m, 15m and standard class, the double seater class will be prepared. At the very end, the open class is allowed to enter the grid. Unfortunately, we still have a very wet airfield, which is why not all classes can be lined up as usual.

All classes have AAT between 4 - 4,5 flying hours. The task are available HIER.

The task of 18m class (around Stuttgart):


The weather forecast for today:


Today we are going to fly!
Wednesday, 17. May 2023 - 09:02

 A wonderful sunny good morning to you!


After a lovely Schempp-Hirth evening with delicious chilli con / sin carne, it's time for the second competition day today. Currently, three classes are lined up on runway 31. The two-seater class will be added after the briefing. Only the pilots of the open class can continue to have a quiet breakfast.

More information will be available at the briefing at 10 am.

Today: Schempp-Hirth evening with Chilli con / sin carne
Tuesday, 16. May 2023 - 11:56

Tonight, the Schempp-Hirth Flugzeug-Vertriebs GmbH from Kirchheim Teck traditionally invites all participants of the international Hahnweideweide competition to the Schempp-Hirth evening.

SH Abend

The evening will be placed today at 7 pm in the Wolf-Hirth hangar.

Traditionally - as every year - there will be home-cooked "Cilli con carne", personally served by CEO Tilo Holighaus, his family and the employees of the Schempp-Hirth company.

Vegetarians will not be disappointed either: a meatless version of "Chilli sin carne" will be available for them.

Thank you very much! We are really looking forward to it!

Interview with Tilo Holighaus
Tuesday, 16. May 2023 - 11:46

Today, the local newspaper Teckbote was a guest at the Hahnweide. Reporter Reimund Elbe interviewed Tilo after the briefing. (only in german language)


To start the interview (YouTube) please click on the picture.

High resolution images from photographer
Tuesday, 16. May 2023 - 11:45

This year again, photographer Martin Hermann offers his photos for purchase in high resolution. If you are interested, please ask me (Kathrin) for the email address.


No competition day for today
Tuesday, 16. May 2023 - 10:51

 Due to a very slow moving cold front overhead, which is responsible for the humid and unstable air mass in our competition area, meteorologist Jupp does not see sufficient conditions for a flyable day.


As you can see on the weather chart, conditions are not expected to improve until late afternoon. Therefore, today was already cancelled in the briefing. From tomorrow onwards, conditions will be much better for our competition.

Winner of 1st competition day
Tuesday, 16. May 2023 - 10:40


Here you will find the scoring of Standard class.


Here you will find the scoring of 15 class.


Here you will find the scoring of 18m class.

No gridding before briefing
Tuesday, 16. May 2023 - 08:42

Good morning from Hahnweide! The sky is grey and looks a bit tired. It's still pretty quiet at the airfield. Only the birds are chirping happily away. 


Briefing at 10 a.m. We have a couple of lucky daily winners from yesterday to celebrate.

1st successful competition day in 3 classes.
Monday, 15. May 2023 - 22:18

Despite the challenging weather, why no one was able to complete the task today, there is a valid scoring day in all three classes. However, the points for the painstakingly flown distance are extremely low. Here you can find the current daily results of the Standard Class, 15m Class and 18m Class.

Thanks to the many motorgliders with retractable engines, which were able to fly home with the support of engine power, there were still some beautiful final approaches to admire.


HERE are some photos from today's final.

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The 55th HWW is over!

Webcam auf der Hahnweide

Sunrise local: 7:29
Sunset local: 17:46